the Book
The essays in this volume are a wonderful and varied collection of personal insights into individual spiritual awakenings and the resulting transformation in the lives of scientists and academics. In the essays these scholars share the experience of their own spiritual journey, including a description of their spiritually transforming experience(s), which culminated in both an internal shift in their worldview and an outer shift in their lived lives.
Finally, these scientists and academics discuss the challenges to their credibility in academia and the scientific field, if and when they shared these experiences publicly, obliging them to live a ‘divided life’ between the personal and the professional. The comments about transformation in values, beliefs, and approaches toward life described in these essays are very moving, expressing a deep inner wisdom and connection with not only humanity, but the earth and the cosmos.
When I was a young neuroscience professor in Virginia, I had a profound spiritual awakening during a meditation retreat which truly transformed my world view and my life. However, I didn’t know how to integrate these two parts of my life – so I basically led two separate lives, the neuroscience professor in rehabilitation medicine, and the spiritual seeker. In private conversations with some of my colleagues around the world, I discovered that they were doing the same thing in their lives – keeping this important element in their lives very private – because they feared a loss of their scientific credibility if they shared it.
I wondered how many other scientists and academics have this same experience and quandary?
And when I was given the opportunity to propose the topic for this volume, I knew immediately what I wanted to do: to ask Scientists and academics from around the world who had experience a spiritually transformative experience, to tell us about it, and then describe their own transformation and the challenges they faced in integrating into their career and their lives. I wanted to invite them to share these previously private profound awakenings and transformations with the rest of the world. So in this volume we went to both scientists and other academics, typically with PhDs or other Doctoral degrees, and let them share the experience of their own spiritual journey. As I read each essay that was submitted, I was profoundly moved by not only the experiences that these academics related, but the amazing transformational effects on their worldviews and their careers.
~ Marjorie Woollacott, PhD
this Book?

Table of Contents
- Academy for the Advancement of Postmaterialist Sciences
- Foreword
Peter Fenwick, MD, FRCPsych - Background and Overview (p.1)
Marjorie Woollacott, PhD, & David Lorimer
- Awake Presence (p.9)
Athena D. Potari, DPhil - I’m Home: Awakening to a Deeper Connection With My Heart, My Mind, and the World (p.15)
Marjorie Woollacott, PhD - My Most Important Spiritual Experience (p.19)
Amit Goswami, PhD - Scientist, Poet and Mystic – Complementary Ways of Knowing and Being (p.23)
Marilyn Monk, PhD - A Spiritual Awakening and Turning-Point in 1965 (p.27)
Nicholas Hagger - A Day in April (p.31)
Hardin Tibbs, MSc - A Few Stops on a Path With Heart (p.35)
Bo Ahrenfelt, MD - Openings and Promptings (p.38)
Edward F. Kelly, PhD - The Awakening of Energy Flow Through an Eastern Body-Mind Practice (p.43)
Anonymous, PhD - Swimming in the Blissful Ocean of Myself (p.47)
Anonymous, PhD - A Flash of Recognition (p.51)
Anonymous, PhD - Awakening and Transformation (p.55)
Duane Elgin, MBA, MA
- That Night (p.61)
Jeffrey J. Kripal, PhD - Coming Home (p.63)
Jessica Corneille, MSc - A Process of Uncovering: How I Learned to Understand and Accept My Spiritual Nature (p.67)
Steve Taylor, PhD - From a Sense of Oneness to Interacting With the Divine: Empirical Evidence? (p.70)
Gary E. Schwartz, PhD - ‘No More Searching’ (p.75)
Paul Marshall, PhD - Awakening (p.78)
Federico Faggin - Strange Dreams, False Awakenings and Spiritual Surges (p.83)
Bernard Carr, PhD - Puerto Angel (p.87)
Shantena Augusto Sabbadini, PhD
- The Light of Love (p.94)
Janice Miner Holden, PhD - Spiritual Transformation and Evolving Frameworks (p.98)
Anne Shumway-Cook, PT, PhD - How I Learned About the Limitations of Science (p.103)
Sarah S. Knox, PhD - Mystical Awakening (p.107)
Arthur Koestler - Transformation as a Continuing Spiritual Experience (p.112)
Joan Walton, PhD - Circumnavigating the Soul: Experiences of Presence That Shaped My Beliefs (p.116)
Les Lancaster, PhD - Toward Panpsychic Experience: A Sentient World on Our Pulses (p.120)
Peter Reason, PhD - Belonging to More Than Myself (p.125)
Andrew Powell, MD, FRCPsych - From Proof to Purpose: Parapsychology as a Meaningful Lived Experience (p.128)
Chris Roe, PhD - Wondering What I Am (p.132)
Ravi Ravindra, PhD - How Did I Reawaken to the Natural Inclusion of the Intangible Within the Tangible? (p.136)
Alan Rayner, PhD - Epiphanies: Extraordinary and Everyday (p.140)
Etzel Cardeña, PhD - Chinsembwe (p.144)
Stephan Harding, PhD - A Scientific Awakening (p.146)
Brenda J. Dunne, MA - On the Trail of Spirit (p.150)
Lorna Green, PhD
- At the Library: A Formative Experience (p.156)
Neal Grossman, PhD - Aren’t We Here to Play? (p.160)
Vasileios Basios, PhD - The Power of Words to Awaken (p.164)
Stafford Betty, PhD
- A Glimpse Beyond the Veil and Seven Years of Transformation (p.169)
Oliver Robinson, PhD - Another Dimension of Reality (p.172)
Natalie L Dyer, PhD - The Cosmic Tour (p.175)
Christopher Bache, PhD - My Story (p.179)
Kenneth Ring, PhD
- Following the Thread From a Crack on the Head (p.185)
Joyce Hawkes, PhD - Illuminating Consciousness Through Extraordinary Experience (p.189)
Eben Alexander III, MD - Spiritual Awakening is a Life-Long Process (p.193)
Yvonne Kason, MD - A Being of Light, Radiating Immense and Unconditional Love (p.198)
Mario Beauregard, PhD - “I’m not Ready Yet” (p.202)
Natasha Tassell-Matamua, PhD
- From Depression to Transcendent Non-Duality (p.206)
Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR - Why? (p.209)
Jude Currivan, PhD - An Experience in Psychometry (p.213)
Laurel Waterman, Doctoral Student - If You’re Around Can You Give Me a Sign? (p.217)
Bradley Heinz, Medical Student - A Visit From My Great-Grandfather (p.220)
Kim Penberthy, PhD - Steps Toward an Animated Worldview (p.223)
Michael Grosso, PhD - A Surge of Electric Energy Flowing Through Me (p.226)
Lorne Schussel, PhD - My Awakening (p.231)
Stephan A. Schwartz - Spiritual Activism Informed by Psychic Experience (p.235)
Natalie Tobert, PhD - Walking in Two Worlds (p.240)
Isabelle Goulet, PhD
- Epilogue (p.243)
- The Scientific and Medical Network and Galileo Commission (p.255)
- Acknowledgments (p.258)
- Index (p.259)
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The AAPS Book Series
This third volume forms part of the AAPS book series Advances in Postmaterialist Sciences, created with the intent to educate scientists, students, and science-minded readers about postmaterialist consciousness research and its implications and applications. We are delighted that it is also being co-sponsored by the Scientific and Medical Network’s Galileo Commission, with its mission to expand the scope of science beyond the limitations of the currently predominant materialist world view.
The first volume, Is Consciousness Primary?, shares both the contributing authors’ first-person experiences that transformed their understanding of the primacy of consciousness and the research that supports that perspective.
The second volume, Expanding Science, offers perspectives on what the unfolding of the postmaterialist paradigm might be like.